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The most EXCITING news

I had the honor and priviledge of creating the pregnancy announcement for a very special couple with an incredible surprise. Married since 2006, this couple has parented countless kids of the fur-baby variety. However, with this announcement they got to tell the world "We're going to be parents to HUMANS!"

These two don't do anything small, or so says their 7 dogs and 3 cats. So it's not entirely surprising that at their first ultrasound their nurse's jaw dropped to the floor upon seeing not 1 baby, not even twins, but TRIPLETS!

The "Trio" as they've been dubbed are coming home to avid Nirvana fans so it seemed fitting to create their first photoshoot in Seattle, Washington's Veretta Park just outside of Kurt Cobain's former home (you can see it in the background of picture #1).

The best part?? Dad-to-be, Jason, is my husband's brother - you read that right - these triplets are going to be MY neices and nephews!! We are overjoyed for the new family members and can't wait to document the journey.

Fun fact: Mom-to-be Kimberly may look familiar. That's because her alter-ego is published pin-up model Kiti Kobain (noticing a theme?).

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